Monday, July 18, 2011

Garden Tour over at The Essential Herbal

Hey Everybody!

Here is a link to a tour of my city garden which Tina Sams of the The Essential Herbal has generously hosted and posted!

The Essential Herbal's Summer Garden Tour

I hope you have fun!  Happy Summer!



  1. Beautiful, beautiful!! I just love getting to peep in other people's gardens :) You've created quite a sanctuary of loveliness there in the big city, and I just love that you were able to turn over-priced landscaping into a healing community tended garden. Sounds (and looks) like you live in a wonderful space surrounded by beauty and good friends. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Danielle, Thank you so much for venturing on over and touring our little plot, and especially for your lovely comment! Since these pics were taken I've added a blueberry for the birds. :-D It's a wee little bush at the moment, but one day!!

